Starting point: Personal Thoughts & Perspectives

 By Tai-Li (Taiwan) & Tamatoa (Māòhi Nui, French-occupied Polynesia)

Tamatoa's personal perspective:

Leaving home and coming to join TIM Program is both excited and sad for Tamatoa. To participate in a whole new journey is excited, but it's also hard to leave from family for a long time. Especially the members who have a strong connection with Tamatoa. But when they keep encouraging and praying for Tamatoa, it can keep Tamatoa moving forward for God's Mission.

His prayer: God, thank you for having brought us safely in Fiji, in our new place and met all these people. May You God, guide us everyday during this journey.

Tai-Li's personal thought:

Having applied for TIM in 2020 but canceled because of Covid-19, Tai-Li felt very worried to attend the TIM 2023 because of changing plans, context and mentality. Thank God ! When he arrived in Fiji, everything is perfect. Tai-Li wishes God can keep leading him during his whole program in TIM especially for his English.


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