Critical Reflection on reading Genesis 12 from Contesting Context.
A A critical
reflection on reading and doing church from contest context (Reading Genesis
Chapter 12 : 20)
In this reading, God gave
instruction to Abram to leave everything behind and go to Canaan where he will
make great nation, make his name great and be a blessing. However, Abram did
not obey, he took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all his possessions and
people they had acquired from Haran. He arrived in Canaan and traveled through
the land to find out that there are Canaanites living on this land. God also
appeared on this land and said “To your offspring, I will give this land”. From
Chapter 11, Sarai is said to be childless or barren, how can God give him such
blessing knowing that Abram’s wife cannot conceive, a loophole in the text.
Reference to
context: We believe that missionaries arrived on our lands because
our ancestors believed that it is a fulfillment to a prophecy by a fearless
Goddess (Nafanua). Christian God was introduced and our Indigenous Gods and
Goddess fades. Christian missionaries arrived and introduced their Christian
God to us, it is that Christian God that our Nation is suffering, and it was
those Christian teachings that converted people to think like colonizers. Our
ancestors fought, bleed and cried on this land so their children can have a
peaceful and enjoyable life however Christian missionaries used their Christian
God in their Christian teachings to manipulate Indigenous minds and take over
their lands and its people. As mentioned in the text, God appeared on the land,
we did not know how he appeared on this land because it is not in the text, the
same God that was never seen nor was heard on our lands, but our people still
accepted it.
Continue to verse 10, how can he
leave the land when there was famine, he should be there with the people
looking for alternatives to save the land from famine or ask his God to bless
the land but instead he went to Egypt. In Verse 13, Say you are my sister, so that
I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you.
In verse 16, He treated Abram well for
her sake and Abram acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, male and
female servants, and camels. He lied to the Egyptians and Pharaoh to acquire
what was not his, he gave away his wife for wealth. How can someone who was
favored by God go against Christian teachings or it seems like God allowed all
this happen because he favored Abram.
Reference to
context: Firstly, Polygamy was allowed in my context,
politicians were allowed to have as many wives as they want but our people enjoyed
it because they see it as a blessing, in the sense of producing more guardians
of fanua (land) and moana (ocean), we never ever considered this a sin.
Secondly, Poula (traditional dance) was done only during nighttime, this
practice allows female to perform seductive, dirty, indecent dancing towards a
male audience to entertain them and to find them husband. However Christian
teachings came in and banned this from our practice, saying that this is a sin,
and one husband should have one wife and no female should dance like it. It
raises a question, why didn’t this God favor our people on this basis, yet he
favors the missionaries and their teachings. Again, it all goes back to this
Abram’s God and privileges he made for his own people who believe and
introduced him while making Indigenous people suffering. He allowed Abram to
give away his wife and provide other opportunities for him to find another wife
but how come he did not allow our people to enjoy their own traditional values
and beliefs. Rooting from the church, they judge people because of sin they do
against the church when in fact, it was never a sin until the Christian God was
introduced by missionaries.
In verse 17, But the Lord
inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s wife
Sarai and continue reading until the last verse 20: Then Pharaoh gave orders
about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and
everything he had. I am surprised and cannot believe this God. Firstly, Abram
was a prevaricator and instead of inflicting a serious disease upon him and his
wife for being liars, God inflicted on Pharaoh. Pharaoh is the victim here; he
was not aware of the situation because of what he was told yet he was being
punished by God. He also loses some of his wealth to Abram, he left Egypt
acquiring what was not his or even work for it. It seems like God enjoyed
watching his servant achieved all this at the expense, loss and hurtful of
others, he did not prioritize Canaanites on the lands, he did not bless the
land, he blessed Abram despite his infirmity, drawbacks, and faults.
Reference to context: Our people accepted Christian teachings and a Christian God and even though we are following and practiced their teachings to this day, people are still suffering silently. There is an oratory proverb that you will often hear from Samoans “e vaavaalua le talalelei male aganuu” meaning culture and Christianity are like two canoes paddling together side by the side, and the other canoe cannot paddle unless the other one is by his side. This is what most Samoans believes however, I do not support this, to an extent that even I, do not want to belong to a Christian Church anymore. God favored missionary teachings and make our people suffered therefore our cultures and traditions cannot go hand in hand with Christianity because Christianity is just another culture just like Theology to me is just another occupation. They are here to make a change and try to convert and influence the minds of indigenous people and after, the indigenous community will suffer its consequences. I am hoping that this reading will help make a change in the indigenous community’s mind and have it as a reminder that our ancestors and forefathers of our lands shed their blood so we can enjoy this land and not accepting Christian teachings and a Christian God so they can come and steal what was never once belong to them using God’s name. Missionaries as foreigners and colonizers drew stratagem and commoditize our valuable treasures and since this Christian God cannot favor us, I hope that my Tagaloa will forgive them for the great damage they had done to my people and our land.
This is a powerful essay and it would be good to keep pursuing some of this thinking and explore some of the questions you are raising. As I read, I ask: If the two canoes paddle side by side, is one always dependent on the other? or do they correct and support each other? Is there a situation where cultural wisdom should be asking questions and critiquing the versions of cultural Christianity that have been brought to them? Do we reject any culture because we can see the flaws? or do we search for the gifts and wisdoms that are also to be found? How do we sift through what we have received to determine what is of value and what should be cast aside?