Understanding Climate Justice

Ecology is one of the focus areas in this journey, which once again has provoked me and reminded me of the inter-conceitedness and inter-relatedness that we have within the creation. If one part of the body suffers the whole body suffers similarly if the one part/ species suffers then it endangers the stability and sustenance of the other parts of the creation. 

I learned that this earth has its intrinsic worth and value on its own which must be looked as subject rather than an mere object, only then we can hear the voice of this earth and its agony. We as humans have ignored the atrocities that we have committed against this whole creation - through our greed of exploitation and plundering of all natural resources we disturbed the whole beauty of creation. 

We as whole human community and specifically as faith community/churches have the responsibility to protect and safeguard the entire creation. Educating, empowering and bringing awareness among the faith community and society at large is our faith duty and obligation. When creation suffers along with it we too suffer- even witnessed how the large scale global warming and changing climatic conditions are effecting many  people in islands and indigenous communities.    


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