Day 1 - Introduction

DAY 1 Introduction

Theological worldviews - systematic / contextual
  • God
  • Gospel
  • Sin / Salvation
Sample Paper - Illumination

    Hermeneutical Spiral - decolonizing to get a different basis for action


Introducing Strands - Where faith and culture collide

These three memes are from my friend, Dr Craig Mitchell...

This song is an adaptation of a song that was originally by my friend, Robin Mann. I reworked the lyrics for a particular mission focus.

Our context, as missionaries, is at play with the contexts we find ourselves in.
We need to be aware of the gaps.

    Developing A Specialisation Project
        Choose at least 2 items from Column 1 and address items in Column 2

Project Proposals

- How does this fit within a broader framework?

- What are the outcomes being sought?

- What are the questions that will need to be addressed?


THEME 1 COMMUNITY - Understanding Culture

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

  1. Power Distance
  2. Individualism vs Collectivism
  3. Masculinity vs Femininity
  4. Uncertainty Avoidance Index
  5. Long-term vs Short-term orientation
  6. Indulgence vs restraint

Activity 1 - Continuum
In this activity, we will experience where we fit 
on the continua related to each of Hofstede's dimensions.

Assignment 1 - work in pairs: Country-comparison Data - examples of how two cultures collide
In this assignment, each pair will compare the country data and present back to the class what challenges there would be for someone from their home church visiting the other person's country to engage in mission.

Activity 2 - Deep Talk - dimensions gameplay
This activity is all about 'perspective'. How can we read scripture using different lenses? We will engage with a Bible story using a particular set of lenses. Then we will change lenses.

Assignment 2 - Visual Journal
Each day, we will be keeping a visual journal AND we will learn different techniques every day for filling it!


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